
School Camps

God has blessed us over the last 12 months in SU’s School Camping Ministry and is continuing to bless us with increased opportunities for ministry. In addition to more opportunities, the quality of the ministry, the outcomes, volunteer sustainability, and the experience for our volunteers continues to grow.

Stories such as the following are common place again in school camping:

“Throughout camp we looked particularly into servant leadership – such as how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. The team had the idea to re-create this moment and let the students be served by us and their teachers. Our team and the deputy principal were on hands and knees washing the student’s feet before breakfast on the last day of camp. This had a powerful impact on the kids.” Lauren

It is our continued prayer that God blesses more schools and more young people through the SU school camping ministry over the next 12 months. With this in mind we launched our Christian Schools Camping Promotion in the lead up to the Christian Schools Australia WA Conference in July, at which SU exhibited, and Mike Bezant presented on the topic of School Camping with God. Please continue to pray for our team and the School Camping Ministry.

Mike Bezant